Kosovo Calling

Hello world!

Posted on: September 29, 2010

“Hello World” as Alan Whicker would famously say on his travel programmes.  Unfortunately Alan won’t be with us here at the British Council Kosovo but I will. 

(With “I” being me, Jamie Pickton, an MA student on placement from Humboldt University, Berlin.  Lucky you!)

However it’s a suitable title for our first ever blog post.  We’ll be, well mainly I’ll be, commenting on the numerous projects that the British Council runs here in Kosovo in more detail and hopefully in a more informal and personal way than the website.  Don’t get me wrong, the website is fantastic and provides all the key info you need to discover the goings on at the British Council but it’s always nice to read about the projects in more detail.

I’ll be updating the blog as often as possible, mostly focusing on these projects:

  • Active Citizens
  • Skills for Employability
  • English Global Products

 In the meantime while the work here is starting, check us out on Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=lf#!/group.php?gid=39947694466&ref=ts  and Twitterhttp://twitter.com/BCKosovo

So keep keen and as they famously say “Watch this space!”

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